How to make Plombir ice cream

Plombir ice cream recipe

Plombir is a creamy ice cream, it was originated in France and became very popular in the USSR.

To make Plombir ice cream, you'll need this ingredients:

Whisk the yolk with the powdered sugar until it is white, while adding the 10% cream, then mix it up. Add vanilla sugar. Heat up on low heat and stirring it all the time, so that it thickens but do not let it boil, because the yolk will solidify! If you miss this moment, and yolks are gone, then sieve it through a sieve, add new yolks and do it again.

After that, filter out the liquid through a sieve into a mould. Place the mould into the freezer until half frozen, but still liquid. Whisk the 35% cream until it is very stiff, and pour it into the mould, mix it up. Put it into the freezer for 1.5 hours. After that, mix it up again, add some nuts, succades, chocolate and freeze it until ready.

That's all!