Wave energy online calculator

In most cases ocean waves are caused by winds blowing over the sea. Waves transmit a lot of energy across the ocean, the energy value can be found by using wave power formula for the wave energy flux, Watt per meter of crest length:

ρ = , [kg/m3]

g = , [m/s2]

T = , [sec]

H = , [m]

P = kW/m

P = ρ*g2*T*H2/(64*π), [W/m]       [1]


H - the vertical distance between crest and trough of the wave, meters;
T - the period of wave, seconds;
g - the acceleration of gravity, m/s2;
ρ - the mass density of sea water, kg/m3;
π - 3.14159

The wave energy per square meter can be calculated using this formula:

E = ρ*g*H2/16, [J/m2]       [2]

ρ = , [kg/m3]

g = , [m/s2]

H = , [m]

E = kJ/m2

Both formulas are correct for depth more than half the wavelength.

Source: A review of wave-energy extraction by Johannes Falnes, Marine Structures 20 (2007) 185 – 201